
TMHS event, Camp Gruber, OK, February 22-24, 2002


Some employees/maquisards in front of the "Café LeBeau",
Rémy, Mitraillette, Paul (proprietaire), Aimee (serveuse), Renard (cuisinier)


Saturday night - singing and fun (telephone? pour moi?)


RETRIBUTION! Three officers of the 17th SS, captured
and machine-gunned by the maquis behind the café Sat. night.


222 and ambulance outside the café, seen from the hotel across the street


2nd SS actually paying for their meal!


Saturday morning formation, this shows only "some" of the Allies present. Note Pauls Party pin....


Allied fighter pulls up out of a very low level strafing run, he did a victory roll....

Great event, many thanks to the organizers and 17th SS, these pics don't do it justice....